Declaration of goodsDocuments required for import

Documents required for import


I. General documents  

To declare the goods, the economic agents shall hold a set of transaction data and shall ensure the veracity and completeness of the information provided.

Customs clearance shall be performed based on a customs declaration, which shall be lodged concurrently with the documents justifying the data indicated in the customs declaration. The minimum set of documents required for customs clearance includes as follows:

1. the commercial document – invoice;

2. the transport document – the official document accompanying the cargo and containing the information on the points of departure and arrival, the names of the carrier, the consignor, the consignee, the conditions and character of movement, as well as the basic characteristic features of the goods carried.

a) Upon carriage by road:

- CMR – the international consignment note provided under the International Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (Geneva, 12.05.1956);

- TIR carnet provided under the International Convention on International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) (Geneva, 14.11.1975).

b) Upon carriage by air – the consignment note (freight) provided under the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air (Warsaw, 12.10.1929).

c) Upon carriage by rail – the consignment note provided under the International Agreement on the International Carriage of Goods by Rail (entered into force as of 01.11.1951).

d) Upon carriage of goods by water – the bill of landing provided under United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (Hamburg, 1978).

3. the permissive document, only in the cases established by law.

Although these documents are sufficient for lodging the declaration, the declarant may attach other documents that he/she considers relevant, such as the contract, payment documents, etc.

In the event that the documents submitted by the declarant do not confirm all the data provided in the customs declaration, the customs may request submission of additional documents. Therefore, if the declaration is selected for documentary or physical control (on the yellow or red clearance corridor), the declarant shall submit all the documents requested by the customs body.

The documents attached to the customs declaration shall be presented to the customs in the original; in the case of electronic declaration, the documents shall be scanned and attached to the customs declaration.

In the event that the declarant holds the documents required for customs clearance in foreign languages, the customs body may request the translation thereof. However, the customs body may accept the documents submitted in the foreign languages spoken by the customs officers.


II. Permissive acts

When introducing or removing certain categories of goods into/from the customs territory of the Republic of Moldova, the declarant must hold one of the following permissive documents: license, authorization or certificate.

Nomenclature of permissive acts approved by Law no. 160/22/07/2011 on regulating the entrepreneurial activity through authorization which includes:

  • all the permissive acts in RM;
  • the list of authorities issuing permissive acts;
  • the cost of the permissive act;
  • the validity period of the permissive act.

Note: State institutions are not entitled to issue, request or compel the businesses to obtain a permissive act unless it is provided for in the Nomenclature of the permissive acts

In order to know the permissive acts relevant to the goods you intend to import/export, the legal norms, the competent authorities to issue them and their contact details, as well as all the tariff and non-tariff regulations of the Republic of Moldova when importing and exporting goods, please consult the Integrated Customs Tariff of the Republic of Moldova (abbreviated TARIM), on the Trade Information Portal - (official page, managed by the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova).



Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova no.1149/20/07/2000

Law no.160/22/07/2011 on regulating the entrepreneurial activity through authorization

Government Decision no. 1140/02/11/2005 for the approval of the Regulation for the application of the customs destinations provided by the Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova

Order of the Customs Service no. 276/24/10/2002 on conclusion of customs documents upon customs clearance of goods originating from external economic transactions



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