Transit proceduresTIR Carnet

TIR Carnet


I. TIR Carnet

TIR – Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) dated 14.11.1975 applies to transport of goods by road vehicles, vehicle assemblies and in containers, without intermediate transhipment, across one or more borders from the customs authority of departure in one Contracting Party to the customs authority of destination in another Contracting Party, provided that a certain part of the TIR procedure between its start and conclusion is carried out with road vehicles. The Republic of Moldova joined the Convention in 1993.

Goods transported in accordance with TIR procedure are exempted from payment/depositing of entry/exit fees and taxes to the intermediate customs authorities. The said customs authorities do not levy any fees for customs clearance of TIR carnets.

Goods transported under the TIR procedure in sealed road vehicles, vehicle assemblies or containers, as a rule are not subject to customs control by the intermediate customs authorities. Customs control is carried out by such intermediate customs authorities in exceptional cases, when there are reasonable suspicions that the sealed sections of vehicles or containers hold goods not listed in the TIR carnet manifest. The provisions of the TIR Convention do not preclude the application of restrictions imposed by moral and social, health or hygiene considerations, as well as the performance of veterinary and phytosanitary controls.

TIR procedure shall apply if the goods are:

  1. accompanied by TIR carnet, completed and filled in pursuant to TIR Convention and these Rules;
  2. insured by the guarantee of the guarantor association;
  3. transported in road vehicles, vehicle assemblies and in containers previously approved for transport with customs seals (except for the transport of heavy or bulky goods); however, the vehicles will themselves be considered as goods, when they move by their own means, if they are indicated in the manifest of the TIR carnet.

Rectangular plates with the inscription "TIR" shall be affixed to vehicles. One of them shall be affixed in front, and the other – on the rear of the road vehicles or vehicle assemblies, so that they are visible. These plates must be removable or constructed and installed in such a way that they can be turned, covered, folded, etc., in a way to show that the transport is not under the TIR procedure.

Road vehicles shall be accompanied by a certificate of approval and containers must bear approval plates. Road vehicles registered on the territory of the Republic of Moldova shall be examined in advance by an AITA (Association of International Road Hauliers of Moldova) official for compliance with the conditions of approval of vehicles (containers) to transport goods with customs seal, and will be issued a certificate, whose model is approved by the Customs Service. Upon submitting the certificate to the customs authorities and completing the procedure approved by the Customs Service, the vehicles may be approved for the transport of goods with a customs seal.

TIR procedure may be carried out in several customs authorities of departure in one or more countries, provided that the number of customs authorities of departure and of destination does not exceed four. If there are several customs authorities of departure, the TIR carnet shall be completed in such a way that the goods subsequently loaded at different customs are additionally entered in the manifest, and the customs authorities of departure indicate, in Section 16, the data relating to the new seals applied and make notes confirming the goods subsequently loaded.

Association of International Road Hauliers of Moldova (AITA) is the guarantor association in the Republic of Moldova for the transit and shipment of goods under customs supervision in compliance with the TIR procedure.

Contact details of the

Association of International Road Hauliers of Moldova (AITA)

address: Republic of Moldova, mun. Chisinau, str. Dimitrie Cantemir, 3/1


Tel: (+373 22) 57-25-00

Fax: (+373 22) 27-88-37, 27-88-38

web page:


For each TIR carnet, the payment of customs duties and taxes is guaranteed up to the amount of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) Euro. The said amount is paid in Moldovan Lei at the reference exchange rate of the National Bank of Moldova valid on the previous day.

How to complete a TIR Carnet.pdf



TIR-EPDTIR Electronic Pre-Declaration (IRU TIR-EPD) is an application which enables TIR carnet holders to submit free of charge electronic pre-declarations to customs authorities of several countries. By using TIR-EPD the customs authorities are able to complete faster TIR carnets in electronic format, which facilitates risk assessment prior to arrival and makes border crossing simpler, safer and faster.

TIR-EPD - User Manual.pdf



Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 1149 / 20.07.2000

Government Decision no. 1140 / 02.11.2005 for the approval of the Regulation on the application of customs destinations provided by the Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova

Ordinul Serviciului Vamal nr. 70-O/01.03.2022 cu privire la unele particularități ale procedurii de tranzit

Customs Service Order no. 310 / 04.08.2017 on the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the application of the transit system on the territory of the Republic of Moldova

Government Decision no. 1086 / 25.11.1997 for the approval of the Regulation on the application of the Customs Convention on the International Carriage of Goods under Cover of the TIR Carnet (TIR Convention, 1975)


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